Hemingray vs. Oatman


Publication: The Commonwealth

Frankfort, KY, United States
p. 3, col. 4


                                                                   FRANKFORT, June 6, 1865.




Hawes hr's v American Can. Coal Co.; Hancock Affirmed.

Bennett v Clary; Greenup. Affirmed.

McKay v Hanks; Anderson. Affirmed.

Plummer v Newdigate; Fleming. Reversed

Taylor v Gray; Lou. Ch'y. Judgment on original appeal revised. On cross appeal affirmed.

Commonwealth v Brauner; Franklin. Reversed.

                                                                   FRANKFORT, June 7, 1865.




Dawson v McCrearey; Simpson. Affirmed.

Cin., H. and D. Railroad Co. v Spratt ; Jefferson. Affirmed.

Oatman et ux v Gray and Hemmingray [sic] Hemingray; Kenton. Affirmed.

Collins v Warring; Greenup. Reversed.

Com'wlth v Buchannan ; Campbell. Reversed.

Com'wlth V Bowers; Campbell. Reversed.

Com'wlth V Green et al; Gallatin. Reversed.

Court took a recess from this day until Monday next, when the causes docketed for the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th days of the term will be called, and the 1st case for oral argument will be No. 13, Jones & Kelly V Com'wlth.


Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information:Article: 12383
Researcher:Bob Stahr
Date completed:April 11, 2014 by: Bob Stahr;