[Trade Journal]
Publication: Western Electrician
Chicago, IL, United States
vol. 35, no. 12, p. 229-230, col. 2-3,1
Wesco Supply Company's Exhibit at the
Block No. 8 in the Palace of Electricity at the Fair is occupied by the co-operative exhibit of the Wesco Supply Company of St. Louis and a number of the leading apparatus and electrical material manufacturers of the country, whose products are sold by the Wesco company.
The booth of the individual exhibit of the Wesco Supply Company occupies a space in the center of the block in which are contained a telephone switch-board with a Warner ringing apparatus, and 12 of the Wesco company's telephones installed on the same number of circuits, showing their various types and also their construction. "Wesco" ceiling, desk and wall alternating-current fans keep the booth and private office cool. The remainder of the exhibit consists of several Adams secondary generators shown in practical operation as a substitute for dry batteries, ringing bells, opening doors and for annunciator and telephone switchboard work. They are installed on the secondaries of an alternating-current circuit, and, their consumption being only one watt, practically cost nothing to operate.
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Exhibit of Warren Electric and Specialty Company, Locke Insulator Company and H. W. Johns-Manville Company. |
In the matter of securing power to operate all of the working exhibits throughout the space and distribute the current required, a novel arrangement has been perfected, which no doubt will be appreciated by electrical engineers who have had similar problems to solve, due to the necessity of furnishing both alternating and direct current at different voltages for all kinds of work, and the operation of various types of apparatus. It requires 75 horsepower approximately, or 50 kilowatts of alternating cycle current at 2,200 volts from a Warren alternator, in operation in the Machinery Hall, to run all of the working exhibits, including lights, etc., of which 15 kilowatts is tapped off at the switchboard and, with the use of a Moloney transformer, is reduced to 110 volts for operating two large Reynolds flasher, signs, six fans and all lamps in the Wesco booth, and also to furnish current for the alternating-current arc lamps in the Adams-Bagnall. exhibit.
The Warren Electric Manufacturing Company's exhibit at the fair, in addition to the 150-kilowatt alternator in the Machinery Hall, consists of a 90-kilowatt alternator in this exhibit, direct-connected to a 35-kilowatt, direct-current Triumph generator, operating as a synchronous motor, and a 60-kilowatt machine, not running — in all a very creditable and interesting display.
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Half Section of Triumph Electric Company's Exhibit. |
The exhibit of the Triumph Electric Company occupies, the whole length of the north side of Block No. 8, covering an area of 900 square feet, and was one of the first exhibits installed. It shows a full line of direct-current generators and motors, including, also, a small five-kilowatt motor-generator, consisting of a 220-volt motor and a 500-volt generator, the current obtained from the latter being used for special purposes in other exhibits in the space. In addition, the Triumph people have in their display a 100-kilowatt generator, not running, and a number of partly-wound armature cores, coils, etc., showing the materials used and the construction of their apparatus.
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Exhibit of Adams-Bagnall Electric Company. |
About 20 kilowatts of direct-current from the large generating set in the north end of the block is transmitted to the Browning Company's exhibit at the south end of the space, for the purpose of driving a motor-generating set, consisting of a 30-horsepower, 220-volt motor and a 26-kilowatt, 110-volt generator, current from the latter being used to operate a one-half-horsepower motor attached to a Blakesley dish-washing machine and a motor-driven Rumsey pump, which supplies water for a fountain in front of the entrance to the booth.
Thirty-five Adams-Bagnall arc lamps, suspended from ornamental iron poles surrounding the entire space, are lighted with current from the 110-volt generators, the iron poles being a portion of the exhibit of the Electric Equipment Company.
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Exhibit of Maloney Electric Company, Leonhardt Tower Wagon in Rear. |
The Adams-Bagnall Company has an attractive exhibit, which, in addition to the 35 direct-current arc lamps for lighting the space, contains its various types of arc lamps for both alternating and direct current, and also its series alternating-current system regulator, all apparatus being accessible for thorough inspection.
The Moloney Electric Company shows in its space a large line of its high-grade air and oil-cooled type transformers, and haff special testing racks for the purpose of showing the efficiency and low core and copper losses of its apparatus in practical operation.
An electric rock drill in the exhibit of the Gardner Electric Drill and Machinery Company, while not doing actual work, is operated for the purpose of showing its mechanism and the manner in which it can be handled. This outfit greatly interests all mining men and electrical experts.
The Warren Electric and Specialty Company's exhibit, adjoining the above, shows a complete assortment of incandescent lamps which it manufactures; also a full set of the various materials used in their construction. In contrast, this company has a collection of "Ancient History" lamps on exhibition, showing many "freaks" to interest the connoisseur. Two of the largest incandescent-lamp globes ever blown are shown here, illuminated by 50-candlepower lamps placed on the inside.
The Locke Insulator Manufacturing Company exhibits a complete line of its high-tension glass and porcelain insulators, showing a variety which includes everything from the small ordinary everyday glass or porcelain pony, to the massive porcelain insulators capable of safely carrying 60,000-volt transmission lines.
The H. W. Johns-Manville Company has arranged an attractive display of Noark fuse devices, which contains everything in the line.
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Exhibit of the Peerless Electric Company. |
The Whitney Electrical Instrument Company shows several of its latest types of bond testers, Wheatstone bridges and other instruments of precision, in addition to 12 volt and ammeters, installed on the, switchboard circuits.
The Globe Electric Company's exhibit consists of a line of its arc and incandescent headlights, operating off a 500-volt street-railway circuit, which shows the efficiency of the lights and the ease with which they can be handled.
Other exhibits of products, handled by the Wesco company are those of the Diamond Meter Company, showing several Scheeffer wattmeters; the Marshall-Sanders Company; the Wheel Truing Brake Shoe Company, and the tower wagon of the Leonhardt Wagon Manufacturing Company.