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SELECT DISTINCT patent.*, YEAR(date) as year FROM patent LEFT JOIN category ON category.patent = patent.patent AND category.type = patent.type WHERE (category.class = '248') AND (category.subclass = '67.7') ORDER BY date ASC, patent, type

Total of 28 patents found where: Class is '248'; Subclass is '67.7';

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T / S Patent Date Description Patentee Category Assigned To
U 463,756 November 24, 1891 Wire Hanger
Wire hanger using two spool insulators in a bracket to secure the line wire
JACOBS, Charles A.
U 804,115 November 7, 1905 Electrical Insulator
Knob - self-tying
U 890,891 June 16, 1908 Insulator Pin
Bracket to hold two insulators vertically
DORFF, Conrad J.
Bracket Fredric Greer
U 1,152,211 August 31, 1915 Secondary Rack
Secondary rack built away from the pole.
PEIRCE, JR., Charles L.
Secondary Rack  
U 1,157,036 October 19, 1915 Insulator Supporting Fixture
Bracket for holding spool insulator vertically and supported with a rod
PEIRCE, JR., Charles L.
Bracket 1/2 to Hubbard & Co.
U 1,524,141 January 27, 1925 Rack
Secondary rack bracket made by stamping sheet metal.
KYLE, William D.
Bracket/secondary Rack  
U 1,722,672 July 30, 1929 Insulator Supporting Bracket
Secondary rack of simple but strong design eliminating rivets.
Bracket/secondary Rack Seyler Mfg. Co.
U 1,761,671 June 3, 1930 Secondary Rack
Secondary rack or wireholder with rounded edges to more easily allow wire to be pulled through it during installation.
HUSTED, Norris C.
U 1,770,138 July 8, 1930 Insulator Rack
Metal bracket for wire holders or secondary racks.
HUSTED, Norris C.
U 1,779,489 October 28, 1930 Method of Making Secondary Racks
Method of making secondary rack brackets (see 1,883,818)
PEIRCE, JR., Charles L.
Manufacturing 1/2 to Hubbard & Co.
U 1,794,520 March 3, 1931 Insulator Rack
Bracket for rack spool wireholder (see 1,822,037)
Bracket Hubbard & Co.
U 1,797,219 March 24, 1931 Insulator Supporting Fixture
Bracket for secondary rack spools using inexpensive, strong construction
BENNETT, George R.
Bracket Line Material Co.
U 1,811,211 June 23, 1931 Insulator Rack
Bracket for wireholder rack spools
PEIRCE, JR., Charles L.
Bracket Hubbard & Co.
U 1,822,037 September 8, 1931 Method of Making Insulator Racks
Method of making rack spool brackets (see 1,794,520)
Manufacturing Hubbard & Co.
U 1,839,594 January 5, 1932 Bracket
Bracket for poles for several rack spool wireholders (see reissue 19,473)
RICK, Karl L.
U 1,866,104 July 5, 1932 Insulator Bracket
Wireholder bracket for rack spools
HEIM, Warren M.
Bracket Oliver Iron & Steel Corp.
U 1,873,434 August 23, 1932 Supporting Fixture
Simply constructed secondary rack with detachable spool insulators.
LEMONT, Clarence J.
Bracket/secondary Rack Line Material Co
U 1,883,818 October 18, 1932 Secondary Rack
Bracket for rack spools with a plurality of spools for mounting on a building (see 1,779,489)
PEIRCE, JR., Charles L.
Bracket 1/2 to Hubbard & Co.
U 1,897,385 February 14, 1933 Insulator Bracket and Method of Making the Same
Secondary rack for spool insulators and method of manufacture
Bracket Oliver Iron & Steel Corp.
U 1,961,434 June 5, 1934 Adjustable Insulator Bracket
Odd bracket for two spools to hold line wire at varying angles when mounted in a tree with a lag screw
SMEAD, Donald G.
U 2,016,470 October 8, 1935 Secondary Rack and the Process of Making Same
Simple secondary rack construction to reduce cost.
WHITE, Leonard H.
Bracket/secondary Rack Line Material Co.
U 2,287,895 June 30, 1942 Secondary Rack Construction
Secondary wireholder for rack spools to be mounted on the end of a crossarm
Wireholder 1/2 to Eugene C. Black
U 2,300,674 November 3, 1942 Secondary Rack
Bracket for wireholders or rack spools. Each insulator bracket is easily connected or attached to the supporting bracket.
JOHNS, George McDonald
RICHARD, Thomas T.
Bracket/wireholder Smith-Johns Inc.
U 2,302,883 November 24, 1942 Method of Stringing and Sagging Wires and Apparatus for Use Therein
Bracket for wireholders or rack spools that allow the spool insulator to swivel out away from the bracket for easily working on the line wire and insulator (see 2,519,694)
U 2,454,677 November 23, 1948 Secondary Rack
Strong secondary rack bracket that is shorter yet easily bolted in place.
Bracket/secondary Rack Joslyn Mfg and Supply Co.
U 2,650,263 August 25, 1953 Bracket Construction
Wireholder bracket for secondary rack insulators that also functions to aid in stringing the wire without damage to the bracket.
Wireholder/bracket/rack Spool McGraw Electric Co.
U 2,709,058 May 24, 1955 Insulator Support Rack
Secondary rack bracket with side tabs to receive screws or bolts.
VOSE, Fred C.
RUTH, Bernard W.
Bracket/secondary Rack General Electric Co.
U 2,740,827 April 3, 1956 Insulator Bracket
Wireholder bracket for secondary rack insulators that also functions to aid in stringing the wire without damage to the bracket.
SMALLEY, Burton M.
Wireholder/bracket/rack Spool Joslyn Mfg. & Supply Co.

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