SELECT DISTINCT patent.*, YEAR(date) as year FROM patent WHERE (assigned_to = 'Locke Insulator Corp.') ORDER BY date ASC, patent, type |
Total of 134 patents found where: Assigned To is 'Locke Insulator Corp.';
View a patent by clicking on the patent number. You can sort by any of the columns by clicking on the column name.
T / S | Patent | Date | Description | Patentee | Category | Assigned To |
1922 | ||||||
U | 1,406,953 | February 14, 1922 | Strain Insulator Suspension with special slotted cap and pin to improve cement joint |
GODDARD, Walter T. |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,409,091 | March 7, 1922 | Cement Cement composition |
GODDARD, Walter T. |
Cement | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,412,759 | April 11, 1922 | Cementless Strain Insulator Suspension disks connected by circular clamps |
STEVENS, Frank J. |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,413,023 | April 18, 1922 | Method and Means for Forming Passages in Plastic Material Suspension Hewlett design, method of cutting ring hole |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,426,981 | August 22, 1922 | Insulator High tension strain made up of one or more ribbed insulators |
GODDARD, Walter T. |
Strain | Locke Insulator Corp. |
1923 | ||||||
U | 1,446,067 | February 20, 1923 | Method of Connecting Insulator Units Suspension, method of cementing pin |
REAGAN, Frank H. |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,454,634 | May 8, 1923 | Insulator Suspension or multipart attachment using wire lacing |
GODDARD, Walter T. |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U ![]() |
1,458,754 | June 12, 1923 | Insulator Multipart with outer angular, flush, mating surfaces and cemented |
GODDARD, Walter T. |
Multipart | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,458,755 | June 12, 1923 | Insulator Improved method of connection sections of strain insulators |
GODDARD, Walter T. |
Multipart | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,458,756 | June 12, 1923 | Strain Insulator Strain insulator with improved method of connecting the metal caps |
GODDARD, Walter T. |
Strain | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,474,256 | November 13, 1923 | Insulator Special columnar insulators to support structure for a radio transmitter |
GODDARD, Walter T. |
Radio | Locke Insulator Corp. |
1924 | ||||||
U | 1,498,622 | June 24, 1924 | Strain Insulator Strain insulator for high tension lines that is strong and lightweight |
GODDARD, Walter T. |
Strain | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,501,107 | July 15, 1924 | Method of Connecting Insulator Parts Method of making a cement impervious to water |
Cement | Locke Insulator Corp. |
1925 | ||||||
U | 1,544,148 | June 30, 1925 | Method of Connecting Insulators Multipart, method of cementing sections with solder |
Multipart | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,556,029 | October 6, 1925 | Method of Connecting Insulator Units Suspension, card used to keep cement off top surface around cap |
REAGAN, Frank H. |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
1926 | ||||||
U | 1,579,174 | March 30, 1926 | Insulator Suspension with metal eye-bolt pin |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,610,085 | December 7, 1926 | Insulator Multipart, alternating elastic bands & roughened surface aids cementing |
GODDARD, Walter T. |
Multipart | Locke Insulator Corp. |
1927 | ||||||
U | 1,617,154 | February 8, 1927 | Insulator Suspension with metal eye-bolt pin and cap with special securing clips |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,621,246 | March 15, 1927 | Insulator High tension insulator made of parts with metal plates bolted to upper and lower surface or suspension disks bolted together |
GODDARD, Walter T. |
Multipart | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,625,601 | April 19, 1927 | Insulator Suspension insulator made of multiple sections that are clamped together in the field |
GODDARD, Walter T. |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,628,241 | May 10, 1927 | Insulator Post type insulator composed of multiple parts |
GODDARD, Walter T. |
Post Type | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,647,695 | November 1, 1927 | Method of Assembling Insulators Manufacturing method of using adhesive to hold shells together before injecting cement and sealing edges of the cured cement joint |
HAWLEY, Kent Allen |
Manufacturing | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,650,034 | November 22, 1927 | Insulator Suspension with slotted metal cap for pin linkage |
OSBORNE, David H. |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U ![]() |
1,651,201 | November 29, 1927 | Insulator Suspension Hewlett type |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
1928 | ||||||
U | 1,657,922 | January 31, 1928 | Method of Assembling Insulators Sprayed coating of metal or asphalt with heat treatment to improve cement joint |
GODDARD, Walter T. |
Cement | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,657,924 | January 31, 1928 | Chain Link for Insulators Link for Hewlett suspension insulator |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,661,823 | March 6, 1928 | Insulator Suspension string with insulators having conducting surface to balance electrical field |
HAWLEY, Kent A. |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,677,294 | July 17, 1928 | Insulator Assembly Jig Centering jig for assembling multipart porcelain insulators |
ROBERTSON, John Cullen |
Manufacturing | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,684,441 | September 18, 1928 | High Tension Insulator Suspension with special ribbed cap and pin |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,687,759 | October 16, 1928 | Insulator Knurling Device Manufacturing method of cutting inside of multipart joints to aid cement adhesion |
Manufacturing | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,688,011 | October 16, 1928 | Insulator Strain for guy wires with special wire connecting links |
Strain | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,688,015 | October 16, 1928 | Insulator Strain for guy wires with special wire connecting links |
Strain | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U ![]() |
1,690,291 | November 6, 1928 | Insulator Suspension flying saucer type with special link design |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,695,458 | December 18, 1928 | Insulator Multipart (& suspension disk) with spacing cap and molten metal as cement |
GODDARD, Walter T. |
Multipart | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,696,861 | December 25, 1928 | Insulator Supporting Pin Hollow steel pin, cast iron base resting on crossarm, and bolt to attach to crossarm |
PLIMPTON, Bentley A. |
Pin | Locke Insulator Corp. |
1929 | ||||||
U | 1,697,422 | January 1, 1929 | Device for Cutting Holes in Insulators Device for cutting holes in Hewlett type suspension disks for links |
Manufacturing | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,697,423 | January 1, 1929 | Method and Device for Cutting Holes in Insulators Manufacturing method of cutting holes in Hewlett type suspension disks for links |
Manufacturing | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,697,434 | January 1, 1929 | Hole Cutting Machine Machine for cutting holes in Hewlett type suspension disks for links |
MOORE, JR., Stewart L. |
Manufacturing | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,697,435 | January 1, 1929 | Hole Cutting Machine Machine for cutting holes in Hewlett type suspension disks for links |
MOORE, JR., Stewart L. |
Manufacturing | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,699,063 | January 15, 1929 | Method of Making Insulators Suspension insulator, method to attach skirts to a central shank |
HAWLEY, Kent A. |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,706,488 | March 26, 1929 | Insulator Fogbowl via metal pan under skirt |
HAWLEY, Kent A. |
Fog Type | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,712,556 | May 14, 1929 | Insulator Suspension Link Suspension links for Hewlett disks that are ductile and pliable |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,712,557 | May 14, 1929 | Link Liner Ductile and pliable liner for the holes in Hewletts to cushion link contact |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,712,900 | May 14, 1929 | Method of Making Forged Insulator Caps Method to manufacture steel cap for suspension disks |
OSBORNE, David H. |
Manufacturing | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,714,814 | May 28, 1929 | Pole Bracket Steel bracket for pole top that supports insulator pin on side of pole |
PLIMPTON, Bentley A. |
Bracket | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,716,123 | June 4, 1929 | Insulator Multipart with external cement joints covered with tar for RFI |
GODDARD, Walter T. |
Multipart | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,717,996 | June 18, 1929 | Means for and Method of Making Insulators Press method of molding porcelain insulator with vibration improves quality (Hewlett) |
MOORE, JR., Stewart L. |
Press | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,719,945 | July 9, 1929 | Insulator Suspension with cutout metal cap and split spring metal eye-pin |
SCHOENTHALER, George Henry |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,719,989 | July 9, 1929 | Method of and Apparatus for Assembling Insulators Method of assembling the shells, holding downward pressure, and vibrating to settle cement around the shells to eliminate air |
MOORE, JR., Stewart L. |
Manufacturing | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,733,729 | October 29, 1929 | Method of Casting Link-Type Insulators Manufacturing method to cast Hewlett type suspension disks |
Manufacturing | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,737,999 | December 3, 1929 | Insulator Thimble that screws into the pinhole and screws onto a special steel pin |
GODDARD, Walter T. |
Thimble | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,739,637 | December 17, 1929 | Insulator Multipart porcelain pedestal insulator with threaded holes in the metal cap to bolt another insulator on top |
HAWLEY, Kent A. |
Pedestal | Locke Insulator Corp. |
1930 | ||||||
U | 1,772,513 | August 12, 1930 | Insulator Design to allow the lowermost Hewlett disk to have its underside wetted with rain equally with disks above |
HAWLEY, Kent Allen |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,776,557 | September 23, 1930 | Pedestal Insulator Pedestal insulator similar to suspension disk with metal cap and pin to bolt other units to |
HAWLEY, Kent A. |
Pedestal | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,776,573 | September 23, 1930 | Insulator Cementing treatment for a suspension insulator such that the cement will withstand temperature changes |
VAN ATTA, Cloyd A. |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,778,152 | October 14, 1930 | Multiple Skirt Suspension Insulator Odd two-disk suspension made in one piece with metal caps on each end |
HAWLEY, Kent A. |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,778,153 | October 14, 1930 | Insulator Pin Centering Means Suspension disk with large opening for additional cement around the pin and a means to keep the pin centered |
HAWLEY, Kent A. |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,778,154 | October 14, 1930 | Cushion for Insulator Pins and Method of Applying Suspension disk or pin-type pin with asphalt disk at top of pin to cushion strain of pin |
HAWLEY, Kent A. |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,778,176 | October 14, 1930 | Insulator Suspension design using soft metal liner to prevent strain between cap and insulator |
VAN ATTA, Cloyd A. |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,780,246 | November 4, 1930 | Glass Insulator and Method of Making Same Suspension glass Hewlett design with embedded/loose fitting metal brackets |
ROWLAND, Davidge H. |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,784,392 | December 9, 1930 | Manufacture of Insulators Suspension insulator with glazed sanded surfaces to improve strength of cap |
ROWLAND, Davidge H. |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,784,792 | December 9, 1930 | Apparatus for Making Insulators Manufacturing method that replace casting large unipart insulators with a means to press out the entire form of the insulator |
HAWLEY, Kent A. |
Manufacturing | Locke Insulator Corp. |
1931 | ||||||
U | 1,793,191 | February 17, 1931 | Insulator Pin Hollow steel pin that can be rotate to align conductor and secured with a keeper pin |
PLIMPTON, Bentley A. |
Pin | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,794,111 | February 24, 1931 | Multiple Skirt Insulator Suspension insulator with multiple skirts and pins or hooks embedded in the ends |
HAWLEY, Kent A. |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,808,105 | June 2, 1931 | Insulator Cutter and Method of Treating Insulators Manufacturing method to cut out the top and bottom recess of a Hewlett suspension disk and ready for cutting the holes for link passages |
Manufacturing | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,810,424 | June 16, 1931 | Means for Sealing Insulators Suspension insulator with metal connectors cemented in the insulator with molten metal under a vacuum to remove entrapped air in the joint |
HAWLEY, Kent A. |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,819,380 | August 18, 1931 | Insulator Connection Suspension insulator cap and pin that can be locked in securely |
OSBORNE, David H. |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,819,748 | August 18, 1931 | Insulator Suspension of the cap and pin design specially designed to make a strong joint for the cap and pin |
HAWLEY, Kent A. OSBORNE, David H. |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,822,458 | September 8, 1931 | Measuring Apparatus Device to measure the density of clay slip |
ROWLAND, Davidge H. ROBERTSON, John C. |
Manufacturing | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,822,485 | September 8, 1931 | Insulator Method of attached metal cap and pin to suspension insulators |
HAWLEY, Kent A. |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,829,926 | November 3, 1931 | Insulator Pin Steel pin with saddle that fits over a curved-top crossarm |
HAWLEY, Kent A. |
Pin | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,831,765 | November 10, 1931 | Insulator Link Connector Link for Hewlett suspension disk |
Link | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,832,157 | November 17, 1931 | Insulator Suspension insulator pin that is coated and designed to prevent stress from temperature changes |
VAN ATTA, Cloyd B. |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,832,240 | November 17, 1931 | Insulator Pin and Method of Making Same Hollow forged steel pin with base support, bolt, and means to keep out water |
PLIMPTON, Bentley A. |
Pin | Locke Insulator Corp. |
1932 | ||||||
U | 1,841,949 | January 19, 1932 | Insulator With Caps Steel cap cemented to top of insulator with bolts for stacking insulators |
HAWLEY, Kent A. |
Miscellaneous | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,848,622 | March 8, 1932 | Insulator Suspension rod with metallic shields to keep upper and lower parts dry to prevent electrical leakage |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,863,539 | June 14, 1932 | Pole Top Pin Steel pin with strap to attach to top of pole |
HAWLEY, Kent A. |
Pin | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,865,134 | June 28, 1932 | Pole Top Bracket Pole top bracket that uses the same length steel insulator pin as that used on the wooden crossarm |
PLIMPTON, Bentley A. |
Bracket | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,866,792 | July 12, 1932 | Multiple Insulator Trimming Machine Machine to trim several insulators at the same time |
BENARD, Arthur G. |
Manufacturing | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,866,804 | July 12, 1932 | Means for Utilizing Wood Poles to Aid Insulators On wood poles, connect the steel pins with a conductor and fuse to aid grounding an insulator struck by lightning and reduce the chance of burning the crossarm or pole |
HAWLEY, Kent A. |
Transmission | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,888,571 | November 22, 1932 | Pin Centering Device and Cushion Retainer Means to keep pin centered in a suspension insulator during cementing |
ROBERTSON, John Cullen |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,889,244 | November 29, 1932 | Noninterferring Insulator RFI treatment for new or existing insulators by attaching a metal crown |
HAWLEY, Kent A. |
RFI | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,891,708 | December 20, 1932 | Insulator Cotter and Mode of Use Suspension insulator cap and cotter pin permanent assembled that cannot be removed except with a special device |
GALLOWAY, Howard L. |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
1933 | ||||||
U | 1,892,888 | January 3, 1933 | Strain Insulator Elaborate strain insulator with metal rings and rods attached around the insulator |
HAWLEY, Kent A. |
Strain | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,894,292 | January 17, 1933 | Strain Insulator Helical strain insulator |
CRAMER, Walter |
Helical | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,902,310 | March 21, 1933 | Method of Making Insulator Caps Method of pressing out a malleable metal cap |
PLIMPTON, Bentley A. |
Manufacturing | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,904,608 | April 18, 1933 | Insulator Finishing Brushing Machine Machine to grind down interlinking passages in a semi-dry insulator body for metal fittings |
BETTINI, David |
Manufacturing | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,910,333 | May 23, 1933 | Insulator Connection Suspension with special cotter pin to prevent cap and pin from coming disconnected |
HAWLEY, Kent A. |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,912,007 | May 30, 1933 | Insulator Pin Steel pin and externally threaded steel cone support securely mounted to the crossarm |
PLIMPTON, Bentley A. HAWLEY, Kent A. |
Pin | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,913,305 | June 6, 1933 | Suspension Means for Guy Strain Insulators Guy strain insulators connected by means of special metal hardware |
Strain | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,925,058 | August 29, 1933 | Process for Forming Plastic Clay Masses Wet process clay reflocculation method to eliminate pugging process |
ROWLAND, Davidge H. WETZEL, Kurt |
Wet Process | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,931,626 | October 24, 1933 | Insulator Threads molded from cement in finished insulator |
STEVENS, Frank J. |
Thread | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,940,591 | December 19, 1933 | Protecting Apparatus for Insulators Arcing ring for string of suspension insulators |
HAWLEY, Kent A. |
Arcing Ring | Locke Insulator Corp. |
1934 | ||||||
U | 1,944,134 | January 16, 1934 | Insulator Assembling Machine Machine to press on and turn cap to secure the cement and cement in the metal pin |
ROBERTSON, John Cullen |
Manufacturing | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,953,025 | March 27, 1934 | Corona Shield Corona shield in the form of a metal band that fits around the tie-wire groove |
ROWLAND, Davidge H. |
Corona | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U ![]() |
1,955,609 | April 17, 1934 | Insulator U-856A fogbowl |
ROWLAND, Davidge H. |
Insulator | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,958,435 | May 15, 1934 | High Tension Insulator Post or pedestal insulator with hollow interior filled with dry sand |
HAWLEY, Kent Allen |
Post Type | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,975,576 | October 2, 1934 | Method of Applying a Conducting Coating on Insulators RFI coating of carbon fused to the surface |
HAWLEY, Kent A. |
RFI | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,976,378 | October 9, 1934 | Aviation Marker Aviation warning light attached to a suspension insulator |
VROOMAN, Edward C. |
Misc | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,977,129 | October 16, 1934 | Hardware for Guy Strain Insulators Metal hardware for guy strain insulators |
HILL, Gregory C. |
Strain | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,977,957 | October 23, 1934 | Bus Bar and Bushing Connection Connector to hold bus bar inside a bushing |
STEVENS, Leland S. |
Bushing | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,978,627 | October 30, 1934 | Vibrating Plunging Machine Manufacturing method using a vibrating plunger tool to form the underside shape of the insulator without causing stresses in the finished porcelain |
Manufacturing | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,978,649 | October 30, 1934 | Bus Bar and Bushing Connection Connector to hold bus bar inside a bushing |
ROBERTS, Charles W. |
Bushing | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,983,569 | December 11, 1934 | Pedestal Switch Insulator Pedestal insulator to support switch gear or bus bar |
ROWLAND, Davidge H. |
Pedestal | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,983,903 | December 11, 1934 | Protective Apparatus for Double String Installations Arcing rings for a double string of suspension insulators |
HAWLEY, Kent A. |
Arcing Ring | Locke Insulator Corp. |
1935 | ||||||
U ![]() |
1,988,369 | January 15, 1935 | Radio Interferenceproof Insulator Metal cap cemented into recessed formed in top of pin type insulator |
BROWN, Harold H. |
Metal | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,998,406 | April 16, 1935 | Insulator Suspension Hardware Links for Hewlett type suspension disks |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 2,003,225 | May 28, 1935 | Guy Insulating and Grading Means Guy strain insulator for radio antenna guy wires |
VROOMAN, Edward C. |
Antenna | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 2,023,808 | December 10, 1935 | Shielded Cemented Type Insulator Suspension cementing procedure using metal cap (disc, J-D type & bus) |
HAWLEY, Kent A. |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
1936 | ||||||
U | 2,026,782 | January 7, 1936 | Clay Homogenizing Method and Apparatus Manufacturing method using vibration as the clay is extruded from the pug mill to ensure homogeneity. |
Manufacturing | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 2,034,707 | March 24, 1936 | Apparatus for Making One-Piece Insulators Machine to press out the form and trim the profile in large unipart insulators |
BENARD, Arthur G. |
Manufacturing | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 2,043,523 | June 9, 1936 | Insulator Suspension disk using metal malleable liner to aid cement expansion under the metal cap |
VAN ATTA, Cloyd B. |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 2,044,332 | June 16, 1936 | Apparatus for Forming Ceramic Products Manufacturing method to produce well mixed clay slip for casting insulators |
ROWLAND, Davidge H. |
Manufacturing | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 2,048,504 | July 21, 1936 | Tower Supporting Insulator Insulator to support radio antenna tower |
HAWLEY, Kent A. |
Radio | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 2,048,558 | July 21, 1936 | Insulator Plunging Machine Plunging machine to form the shape of bushings and other insulators without the need for turning |
MOORE, Stewart L. |
Manufacturing | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 2,056,813 | October 6, 1936 | Flux Distributing Insulator Radio antenna strain insulator with metal ribs on the outside to control the electrostatic flux density |
VROOMAN, Edward C. |
Strain | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 2,059,036 | October 27, 1936 | Clay Testing Apparatus Machine to measure the hardness or plasticity of clay |
ROWLAND, Davidge H. |
Manufacturing | Locke Insulator Corp. |
1937 | ||||||
U ![]() |
2,084,866 | June 22, 1937 | High Voltage Insulator U-796 styles and CD 221 Hi-Top design |
PLIMPTON, Bentley A. |
Insulator | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U ![]() |
2,088,433 | July 27, 1937 | Fog and Dust Insulator U-816 series |
PLIMPTON, Bentley A. |
Insulator | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 2,093,872 | September 21, 1937 | Radio Antenna Insulator for Airplanes Antenna insulator for airplanes |
MCCOY, Robert L. |
Antenna | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 2,093,875 | September 21, 1937 | Strain Insulator Strain insulator for radio antennas |
STEVENS, Leland James |
Strain | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 2,096,613 | October 19, 1937 | Multithread Pin Insulator Assembly Pin with threaded malleable thimble that screws onto the steel pin allowing each adjustment of insulator with conductor |
HILL, Gregory C. |
Pin | Locke Insulator Corp. |
1939 | ||||||
U ![]() |
2,157,100 | May 9, 1939 | Glazed Ceramic Insulator and the Like Glaze - compression glaze |
ROWLAND, Davidge H. |
Glaze | Locke Insulator Corp. |
1941 | ||||||
U | 2,230,205 | January 28, 1941 | Process of Connecting a Metal Body to a Vitreous Ceramic Body Metallic coating to facilitate soldering metal parts onto the insulator |
ROWLAND, Davidge H. CROSKEY, Carl D. |
Miscellaneous | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 2,250,044 | July 22, 1941 | Insulator Multipart insulator with glazed sanded surfaces to improve strength of cap |
CROSKEY, Carl D. ROWLAND, Davidge H. |
Multipart | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 2,264,152 | November 25, 1941 | Method of Forming a Metallic Surface on Ceramic Bodies RFI metallic coating that strongly adheres to the insulator |
ROWLAND, Davidge H. |
RFI | Locke Insulator Corp. |
1942 | ||||||
U ![]() |
2,287,976 | June 30, 1942 | Insulator Glaze - compression glaze & sand joint |
CROSKEY, Carl D. ROWLAND, Davidge H. |
Glaze | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 2,292,248 | August 4, 1942 | Bushing Bushing composed of several parts with open chambers |
STEVENS, Leland J. |
Bushing | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 2,297,646 | September 29, 1942 | Pug Mill Pug mill design to prevent stresses and strains in the clay as it is extruded |
BELLEZZA, Russell G. SKIPPER, Edward M. |
Pug Mill | Locke Insulator Corp. |
1944 | ||||||
U | 2,341,309 | February 8, 1944 | Cutting Tool Cutting tool to remove clay from inside a bushing |
BETTINI, David Joseph |
Cutting Tool | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 2,346,620 | April 11, 1944 | Method of Forming Insulator Bodies Method to mix water with dry ingredients to form clay of the proper water content |
SKIPPER, Edward M. |
Clay | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 2,355,684 | August 15, 1944 | Insulator Cutting Machine Machine to automatically trim the profile in insulators in an assembly line process |
SKIPPER, Edward M. |
Machine | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 2,357,550 | September 5, 1944 | Insulator RFI coating applied before firing the insulator |
ROWLAND, Davidge H. |
RFI | Locke Insulator Corp. |
1947 | ||||||
U | 2,425,270 | August 5, 1947 | Method and Apparatus for Forming Blanks for Post and Pedestal Insulators Manufacturing method to produce blanks for post and pedestal insulators |
SKIPPER, Edward M. |
Manufacturing | Locke Insulator Corp. |
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