[Trade Journal]
Publication: The Commoner and Glassworker
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
Hemingray Glass Co. to Add Other
MUNCIE, IND., April 8. — It is rumored that the Hemingray Glass Co. are figuring on some very extensive improvements during the coming summer stop; one of which will be a large gas producer tank, of which the foundation is now being laid. This will be an addition to their insulator department. They also contemplate a new addition to the mold shop and mixing room; also a new office which will add greatly to the appearance of the plant.
The glassworkers of Muncie are taking great interest in the labor ticket which was placed in the field for the election of city officers, from the fact that Frank J. Lafferty, a glassworker and former councilman, heads the ticket for mayor.
Ball Bros.' white liner department have let out one of its tanks for repairs and many of the boys have left for Marion, Ind.
Thomas Murray, of Hemingrays, is confined to his bed with muscular rheumatism. David Joyent and Robert Kerr, of Elwood, Ind., formerly of Tiffin, O., are gathering shades at the Hemingray. Louis Mayzel has accepted a job gathering insulators at Hemingray.
The Happy Home Fishing Club, composed of Ball Bros. employees, are making extensive preparations for their summer outing, while the Magic City Fishing Club across the street is not lagging behind. — BRUDY.