Publication: The Cincinnati Enquirer
Cincinnati, OH, United States
vol. 65, no. 215, p. 10 Sect 2, col. 3
Of W. H. Bigler, Who Was Killed
By R. G. Hemingray's Auto,
Sues For $10,000.
Coroner Cameron held an inquest yesterday in the death of William H. Bigler, late commission broker, which resulted from a collision between his buggy and an automobile belonging to Ralph G. Hemingray, wealthy head of the Hemingray Glass Company of Muncie, Ind.
The accident occurred at the corner of Clinton and Cutter streets, on July 17 last, Bigler dying from his injuries last Wednesday. The Hemingray party was returning from the ball park in the auto, with Hemingray being Dr. Frank Cross, of this city, and William E. Evans, Secretary and Treasurer of the Hemingray Glass Company. The testimony of these three was that they were running up Clinton street, and that Mr. Hemingray was operating the machine very slowly, he having just passed a crowd of children playing in the street.
As they struck Cutter street, they claimed, the buggy, containing Bigler, Thomas Shullman, who conducts a saloon at Longworth and Plum streets, and Attorney Joseph Heintzman, was coming at a rapid rate down Cutter street, and as the auto came practically to a stop the rig came on at the same fast gait, and Bigler tried to swerve the horse and vehicle past the machine, but the wheels struck the front part of the auto and the buggy was upset, throwing the three occupants out. Bigler's head struck the curbing with a sickening sound that was distinctly heard. He was picked up and taken home in a buggy. Mr. Hemingray could not recollect whether or not he had blown the horn, but he was positive that the machine was scarcely moving when the accident occurred. This was corroborated by Dr. Cross and Mr. Evans.
Attorney Heintzman and Shullman — and Dr. Louis Greer, who was in a buggy back of the Bigler party — all testified that the fault of the collision lay with the automobile party, and that the auto ran into the buggy, and not vice versa. Mrs. Emma Bigler, widow of the late broker, was appointed administratrix of his estate in the Probate Court yesterday morning, and Immediately filed suit in the Superior Court against Hemingray asking for $10,000 damages for her husband's death. The suit yesterday was filed so hurriedly in order to secure service upon Hemingray while he was in the city. It was filed by Attorneys Outcalt and Hickenlooper.