Publication: The Wheeling Register
Wheeling, WV, United States
vol. 36, no. 260, p. 6, col. 4
THE A. F. G. W. U.
The Annual Convention at Zanesville
Has Gotten Down to Business - - -
Reports of Officers.
Special to the Register.
Zanesville, O., July 12. — The National Flint Glass Workers' convention began business to-day and disposed of the reports of officers and appointed the . . . [illegible text] . . . committees to begin the work for the remainder of the session.
President Smith made his report this morning, and this alone consumed nearly the entire forenoon session. The report was a very gratifying one to the delegates. There has been a substantial increase in membership and the association now numbers 7,655 members. In the past four years $1,680,000 have been expended in supporting members affected by lockouts, but in the last year only $180,000 were expended, showing that the members had a year of prosperity, and the report of the treasurer indicated that the treasury was enjoying a good increase in funds because of a decrease in the heavy demands by locked-out members. After the reports of the officers the committees were appointed on the various branches of the trade such as prescription work, etc., and the recommendations made by the officers are now in the hands of the committees. Some of these will require a week or ten days to complete their work. The indications are that Detroit will not get the next convention but that it will go east, probably to New Jersey.