American Flint Glass Workers' Union - 1898 Convention - Zanesville, Ohio

Committees Work


Publication: The Wheeling Register

Wheeling, WV, United States
vol. 36, no. 261, p. 6, col. 6-7


ZANESVILLE, O., July 13. — To-day's session of the Flint Glass Workers was given up largely to committee work. In accordance with the result of the special election held by the Dunkirk, Ind., union, Hiram Woods, the contesting delegate, was seated over Thomas Kelly. John Dillon, of Steubenville, O., was unanimously recommended to President McKinley for appointment to the industrial commission provided for by Congress at its last session. The important work of the convention will begin to-morrow.


Keywords:Labor Organizations
Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information:Articles: 6944, 6945
Researcher:Glenn Drummond
Date completed:April 13, 2006 by: Glenn Drummond;