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SELECT DISTINCT patent.*, YEAR(date) as year FROM patent WHERE (assigned_to = 'The Ohio Brass co.') ORDER BY date ASC, patent, type

Total of 117 patents found where: Assigned To is 'The Ohio Brass co.';

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T / S Patent Date Description Patentee Category Assigned To
U 974,672 November 1, 1910 Insulator
Suspension insulator
Suspension The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,010,011 November 28, 1911 Sectional Insulator
Multipart insulator to support high tension conductors in substation
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Multipart The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,034,888 August 6, 1912 Section-Insulator for Overhead Structures
Catenary arrangement using deadend spools
DENNEEN, Francis S.
MEAD, George A.
Catenary The Ohio Brass Co.
U Specimen known 1,048,992 December 31, 1912 Insulator
Strain, interlocking type (OB hog liver)
MEAD, George A.
Strain The Ohio Brass Co.
U Specimen known 1,233,296 July 17, 1917 High Tension Insulator
Suspension disk with petticoats and metal cap with projecting flange
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Suspension The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,242,907 October 16, 1917 Insulator
Suspension cap and pin to improve strength of connection
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Suspension The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,281,268 October 15, 1918 Insulator
Suspension cap and pin to improve strength of connection
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Suspension The Ohio Brass Co.
U Specimen known 1,284,974 November 19, 1918 Strain Insulator
Strain, guy insulator attachment
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Strain The Ohio Brass Co.
U Specimen known 1,284,975 November 19, 1918 Sanded Insulator and Method of Making Same
Multipart and suspension sanded joints (see 1,536,749)
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Multipart The Ohio Brass Co.
U Specimen known 1,284,976 November 19, 1918 Insulator
Multipart and suspension cemented metal part designs
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Multipart The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,291,713 January 21, 1919 Separable Part Insulator
Multipart (& suspension) with cemented, threaded metal shells screwed together
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Multipart The Ohio Brass Co.
D Specimen known 56,262 September 14, 1920 Design for an Insulator
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Strain The Ohio Brass Co.
U Specimen known 1,360,352 November 30, 1920 Insulator
Suspension sanded under cap and pin to improve cement adhesion
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Suspension The Ohio Brass Co.
D Specimen known 59,947 December 13, 1921 Design for an Insulator
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Strain The Ohio Brass Co.
U Specimen known 1,431,137 October 3, 1922 Joint for Articles of Ceramic and Similar Materials and Method of Producing Same
Multipart joined by sand, glaze-welding and/or differential shrinkage
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Multipart The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,456,960 May 29, 1923 Joint for Articles of Ceramic and Similar Materials and Method of Producing Same
Multipart joined by sand, glaze-welding and/or differential shrinkage
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Multipart The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,477,800 December 18, 1923 Connecting Joint
Cementing procedure using elastic and sanded cement joint
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Cement The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,481,080 January 15, 1924 Insulator
Antenna or guy strain insulator consisting of a bar of porcelain with longitudinal ribs and metal caps on the ends
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Antenna The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,484,051 February 19, 1924 Insulator
Cylindrical H-T ins, inner section to receive strain if outer is broken
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Cylinder The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,489,689 April 8, 1924 Insulator
Suspension with ribbed pin and cap for better adhesion of cement
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Suspension The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,489,690 April 8, 1924 Insulator and Method of Assembling the Same
Suspension with sanded joints & soft coating for better adhesion of cement
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Suspension The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,489,809 April 8, 1924 Insulator
Suspension with ribbed sheet metal in pin and cap for better adhesion of cement
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Suspension The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,490,080 April 15, 1924 Insulator
Suspension with ribbed pin and cap & notched cap for better adhesion of cement
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Suspension The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,497,318 June 10, 1924 Cover for Strain Insulators
Cover for a guy strain insulator to keep it dry
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Strain The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,497,319 June 10, 1924 Insulator
Improved construction of a high tension strain insulator for long spans
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Strain The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,509,279 September 23, 1924 Strain Insulator
Strain for guy wires using special connecting hardware
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Strain The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,516,585 November 25, 1924 Insulator
Cylindrical strain insulator with ribs and metal caps on the ends
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Strain The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,521,743 January 6, 1925 Insulator
Suspension arcing horn system and insulator (see 1,552,664 and 1,783,271)
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Suspension The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,536,749 May 5, 1925 Insulator
Multipart (RFI) with sanded, metal coated groove & cement (see 1,284,975)
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Multipart The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,543,313 June 23, 1925 Insulator
Suspension metal pin and cementing technique
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Suspension The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,552,663 September 8, 1925 Insulator Cap
Metal cap for suspension insulator disks
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Suspension The Ohio Brass Co.
U Specimen known 1,552,664 September 8, 1925 Insulator
Suspension arcing horn insulator (see 1,521,743 and 1,783,271)
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Suspension The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,569,251 January 12, 1926 Method of Preparing Clay or Body Composition for Ceramic Articles
Method of preparing plastic clay without the use of filter presses by mixing dry ingredients with water, filtering, and evaporation of water with heat and vacuum before sending to the pug mill
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Manufacturing The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,589,617 June 22, 1926 Process for Preparing Material for Ceramic Articles
Vacuum pugging after mixing dry ingredients with exact percent water needed
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Vacuum The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,609,598 December 7, 1926 Process of Assembling Insulator Parts
Cementing method in that the cement is cured in a bath of heated water
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Cement The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,611,871 December 28, 1926 High Tension Installation
Use of flux control insulators and arcing horns on transmission lines
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Transmission The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,625,514 April 19, 1927 Apparatus for Forming Plastic Materials
Improved press to form insulator shape from wet process clay and cut in threaded pinhole
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
MACLEOD, Donald Keith
Press The Ohio Brass co.
U 1,657,340 January 24, 1928 Insulator Pin
Steel pin with base support on crossarm
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Pin The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,657,341 January 24, 1928 Insulator Pin
Steel pin with base support on crossarm
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Pin The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,659,183 February 14, 1928 Insulator
Suspension with metal flanges to balance electrical field
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Suspension The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,663,329 March 20, 1928 Forming and Tapping Machine
Machine to form threads in plastic clay bodies
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Manufacturing The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,679,345 August 7, 1928 Method and Apparatus for Casting Ceramic Pieces
Manufacturing method of casting bushings with a hollow core
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Manufacturing The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,682,590 August 28, 1928 Insulator Pin and Process of Manufacturing the Same
Method of making a pin with a threaded lead head
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Pin The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,683,109 September 4, 1928 Conductor Support
Bracket to hold strain insulators on a crossarm for deadending
SNYDER, Edward B.
Bracket The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,685,663 September 25, 1928 Insulated Perch for Preventing Bird Trouble in Connection with Electrical Transmission Lines
Arrangement of a pintype insulator and specially designed conductor above a suspension string to discourage birds from sitting above suspension string
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Miscellaneous The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,685,833 October 2, 1928 Process of Manufacturing Insulator Pins
Manufacturing method to make steel pins for wooden crossarms
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Manufacturing The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,685,834 October 2, 1928 Process of Manufacturing Insulator Pins
Manufacturing method to make steel pins for wooden crossarms
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Manufacturing The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,690,392 November 6, 1928 Insulator Pin
Steel insulator pin
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Pin The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,691,330 November 13, 1928 Insulator
Suspension string with flange attachment to balance electric field
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Suspension The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,693,429 November 27, 1928 Method of Casting
Manufacturing method to cast bushings with a hollow core
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Manufacturing The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,702,236 February 12, 1929 High Tension Insulator Construction
Suspension disk with ""capacity gland"" to prevent electrical streamers and provide a balanced electrical field
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Suspension The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,702,237 February 12, 1929 Process of Manufacturing Insulator Pins
Easily manufactured steel pin
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Pin The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,735,560 November 12, 1929 Insulator for Withstanding Fog Conditions
Multipart porcelain insulator with heating elements embedded in the surface to keep surface of insulator dry during fog
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Fog Type The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,735,829 November 12, 1929 Means and Method for Controlling Surface Resistance of Insulators
RFI coating on suspension insulators with graded or reduced thickness away from the center of the disk
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
RFI The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,737,749 December 3, 1929 Insulator
Suspension with reinforcing band around cap and ribbed pin
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Suspension The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,740,641 December 24, 1929 Pole Top Pin for Multiple Construction
Steel bracket for pole top that supports insulator pin on side of pole when conductor is under stress
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Bracket The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,750,699 March 18, 1930 Process and Apparatus for Testing Insulators
Apparatus to run a high voltage test on insulators (see 1,796,427)
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Manufacturing The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,750,769 March 18, 1930 Insulator Pin
Steel pin with rolled threads and support on top of crossarm
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Pin The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,750,770 March 18, 1930 Insulator Pin
Steel pin with supporting base that fits over top and edge of wooden crossarm
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Pin The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,783,271 December 2, 1930 High Potential Installation
Use of flux control arcing horns (see 1,552,664) to control flashover on towers using strings of suspension disks (see 1,783,272)
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Transmission The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,783,272 December 2, 1930 Support for Transmission Lines
Orientation of tower supporting transmission line using flux control arcing harms (see 1,783,271)
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Transmission The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,796,427 March 17, 1931 Process and Apparatus for Testing Insulators
Apparatus to run a high voltage test on insulators (see 1,750,699 and 1,796,427)
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Manufacturing The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,796,429 March 17, 1931 Apparatus for Testing Insulators
Apparatus to run a high voltage test on insulators (see 1,796,427)
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Manufacturing The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,823,676 September 15, 1931 Insulator with Nested Parts
Multipart insulators with metal cap in cement joint of the outer two joints to add strength to the insulator
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Manufacturing The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,868,479 July 26, 1932 Compensating Strut Type Insulator
Suspension insulator cap and pin with special rings to aid strength of cement joint
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Suspension The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,876,579 September 13, 1932 Insulator
Iron bus bar support cap cemented to top of an insulator
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Cap The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,894,340 January 17, 1933 Insulator Pin
Pin with soft metal threads
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Pin The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,925,211 September 5, 1933 Art of Assembling Insulators
Method of cementing pin in suspension insulator to remove air
SMITH, William A.
Suspension The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,937,184 November 28, 1933 Jigger
Jiggering machine using centrifugal force to cut out the interior of bushings
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Manufacturing The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,937,620 December 5, 1933 Insulator
Suspension cap and pin designed to improve and strengthen the cement joint
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Suspension The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,937,731 December 5, 1933 Insulator
Pin for suspension disk
Suspension The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,941,749 January 2, 1934 Insulator
Suspension insulator with upwardly projecting wings on the cap to serve as flux control
Suspension The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,950,646 March 13, 1934 Insulator
Iron cap cemented on the top of an insulator for switch connection
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Cap The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,961,402 June 5, 1934 Insulator
Catenary trolley wire support composed of multiple insulator sections with cemented caps and internal threaded parts allowing them to be screwed together
Catenary The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,967,616 July 24, 1934 Insulator
Tie wire for high voltage multipart pintype insulators using a conductive sleeve between conductor and insulator with tie wire wrapped around the sleeve
Tie Wire The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,967,654 July 24, 1934 Insulator
Fog type multipart & suspension insulator with porous coating, wire screen for RFI
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Fog Type The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,972,614 September 4, 1934 Insulator
Cementing and design technique to improve cement joint in cap and pin suspension and equipment support insulators
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Suspension The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,979,092 October 30, 1934 Insulator
Suspension cap and pin designed with slipping cement joints to improve strength
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Suspension The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,981,717 November 20, 1934 Insulator
Suspension cap and pin designed to improve strength of cement joint
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Suspension The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,983,334 December 4, 1934 Method of Forming Insulator Caps
Manufacturing method to stamp out suspension caps from tubular steel
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Manufacturing The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,988,155 January 15, 1935 Insulator
Suspension pin
BOVARD, Floyd G.
Suspension The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,994,265 March 12, 1935 Insulator
Suspension cap design to allow for expansion of the cap without breaking off the insulator head
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Suspension The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,994,266 March 12, 1935 Insulator
Suspension cap design to allow for expansion of the cap without breaking off the insulator head
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Suspension The Ohio Brass Co.
U Specimen known 1,994,281 March 12, 1935 Insulator
Fog type multipart & suspension insulator similar to oil types with inverted mating cup
LUSIGNAN, JR., Joseph T.
Fog Type The Ohio Brass Co.
U Specimen known 1,994,282 March 12, 1935 Fog Type Insulator
Fog type suspension similar to oil reservoir types with inverted mating cup
LUSIGNAN, JR., Joseph T.
Fog Type The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,994,292 March 12, 1935 Insulator
Special design of pin for suspension insulator
Suspension The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,997,439 April 9, 1935 Insulator
Special design of cemented pin and cap on pin-type insulator used to support electrical equipment
Miscellaneous The Ohio Brass Co.
U 2,010,934 August 13, 1935 Cementing Process and Apparatus
Apparatus to align the pin during the cementing process in a suspension insulator
SMITH, William A.
Manufacturing The Ohio Brass Co.
U 2,011,136 August 13, 1935 Protective Apparatus
Arcing gap using flux control insulators
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Arc Gap The Ohio Brass Co.
U 2,011,137 August 13, 1935 Insulator
Suspension cap with spring rollers to allow slippage of the cap and cement to improve strength
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Suspension The Ohio Brass Co.
U 2,022,863 December 3, 1935 Arcing Guard
Metal arcing guard for suspension string
LUSIGNAN, JR., Joseph T.
Arcing Ring The Ohio Brass Co.
U 2,036,225 April 7, 1936 Lightning Guard for Transmission Lines
Lightning guard strung above transmission towers with supporting tower between transmission towers
LUSIGNAN, JR., Joseph T.
Transmission The Ohio Brass Co.
U 2,039,500 May 5, 1936 Process of Assembling Insulators
Method of assembling a multipart insulators with cemented metal pins and caps to reduce strain from cement expansion (see 1,997,439)
Multipart The Ohio Brass Co.
U 2,048,016 July 21, 1936 Fog Type Insulator
Fog-type suspension disk with metal dish underneath to keep bottom pin area dry
LUSIGNAN, JR., Joseph T.
Fog Type The Ohio Brass Co.
U 2,068,941 January 26, 1937 Process and Apparatus for Manufacturing Insulators
Plunger to first form the pinhole in a porcelain insulator by first plunging a pinhole without threads then form the threads
BOVARD, Floyd G.
Press The Ohio Brass Co.
U 2,103,399 December 28, 1937 Insulator
Fog type suspension with top curved down over bottom petticoat that extends up inside the top part
WALKER, Robert H.
Fog The Ohio Brass Co.
U 2,135,326 November 1, 1938 Method of Assembling Electric Insulators
Method of cementing metal cap on a suspension insulator to prevent excess cement at the joint and thus preventing electrical discharge from the excess cement
Suspension The Ohio Brass Co.
U 2,135,359 November 1, 1938 Suspension Insulator
Fog type suspension insulator
BOVARD, Floyd D.
Fog Type The Ohio Brass Co.
U 2,135,360 November 1, 1938 Conductor Support
Clamp type with metal cemented to crown for holding cable
Clamp Type The Ohio Brass Co.
U 2,135,362 November 1, 1938 Insulator
Fog type suspension insulator
Fog Type The Ohio Brass Co.
U 2,142,422 January 3, 1939 Insulator and Method of Manufacturing the Same
Method of making station post insulators with hollow cavity and filling cavity with dry gas
Insulator The Ohio Brass Co.
U 2,146,344 February 7, 1939 Electric Insulator
Suspension cementing technique to reduce damage from expansion
MEISSE, Louis A.
Suspension The Ohio Brass Co.
U 2,155,835 April 25, 1939 Ceramic Insulating Material
Improved ceramic composition using titanium oxide that will fire at typical kiln temperatures
Ceramic Composition The Ohio Brass Co.
U 2,155,848 April 25, 1939 Insulator
Helical suspension & helical post type
Helical The Ohio Brass Co.
U 2,173,292 September 19, 1939 Insulator
Suspension cap design to allow for expansion of the cap without breaking off the insulator head
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Suspension The Ohio Brass Co.
U 2,209,006 July 23, 1940 Coating Apparatus
Machine to dip insulators in glaze.
SMITH, William A.
Manufacturing The Ohio Brass Co.
U 2,224,853 December 17, 1940 Method of Manufacturing Ceramic of Vitreous Ware
Manufacturing method to improve quality of porcelain during firing
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Manufacturing The Ohio Brass Co.
U 2,234,391 March 11, 1941 Method of Manufacturing Electric Insulators
Method of making station post insulators with metal caps
Insulator The Ohio Brass Co.
U 2,239,809 April 29, 1941 Insulator
Suspension insulator and method of applying RFI coating
RFI The Ohio Brass Co.
U 2,264,428 December 2, 1941 Article of Ceramic of Vitreous Material
Manufacturing method to improve quality of porcelain during firing
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Manufacturing The Ohio Brass Co.
U 2,275,208 March 3, 1942 Electrical Insulator
Method of applying RFI coating to suspension disk (see 1,661,823) (see 1,735,829) (see 2,154,387)
RFI/suspension The Ohio Brass Co.
U 2,283,685 May 19, 1942 High Resistance Conducting Coating for Electric Insulators
RFI coating to prevent radio interference
RFI The Ohio Brass Co.
U 2,342,307 February 22, 1944 Spraying Machine
Machine for spraying on RFI coatings
SMITH, William A.
RFI The Ohio Brass Co.
U 2,443,435 June 15, 1948 Insulator
Suspension, pin design to prevent expansion stress from corrosion
Suspension The Ohio Brass Co.
U 2,443,436 June 15, 1948 Insulator
Suspension with moisture resistant cushion at bottom of cap and pin
Suspension The Ohio Brass Co.
U Specimen known 3,024,303 March 6, 1962 Glazed Insulator Which Comprises a Ceramic Body and a Primary Coat Under the Glaze Which has a Lower Coefficient of Thermal Expansion than the Ceramic Body
Suspension insulator with compression glaze coating under outer glaze surface
SMOTHERS, William J.
Suspension The Ohio Brass Co.
U 3,389,214 June 18, 1968 Coated Insulator
Suspension with RFI coating composed of semiconducting ceramic of silicon carbide
SMOTHERS, William J.
RFI The Ohio Brass Co.

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